Reduce Uncertainty & Gain Real-Time Insight & Foresight

Is the operational data collected in your business providing you with the clear and instant insight needed to reduce uncertainty and inform mission critical management decisions? We can help you get an easily interpreted overview of what is happening in your business in real time.

We have combined our extensive managerial and data analytics expertise and experience to create bespoke decision support tools that provide measurable value. Able to be tailored to suit your specific needs, our decision support tools will help you easily access the evidence you need to make well-informed decisions and get valuable insight and foresight.

Chances are, you’re already collecting large volumes of data and may already be using it to analyse past performance and trends. However, while hindsight is useful, the real value comes from creating insights and foresights that enable you to make decisions based on solid evidence.

We can help you gain maximum value from your operational data by developing a customised decision support system, which will condense the millions of data points your business collects into easily understood management metrics. Along with providing you with a high level overview of what is happening in your business, our decision support tools will allow you to drill down to the details and carry out a root cause analysis if needed, should an issue be flagged in the overview.

Decision-Data Audits

To get the best value from your data, it’s important to make sure you are collecting the right data and can extract the exact evidence you need, when you need it, in a format that is easily interpreted.

Our decision-data audit will evaluate:

  • The key decisions you make in your business.
  • The data needed to support those decisions.
  • The data you are currently collecting.
  • What else you may need to measure.
  • If your current data analysis provides the evidence needed by your decision makers.


Once the above information is collated, we can help you develop a plan to get the value and useability you need from your data.

If you would like to explore how data analytics can add value to your business, we invite you to book a complimentary no-obligation phone or video chat. You can book it here.

Delytics added huge value to our industry by transforming the raw monitoring data into easy-to-read graphics that highlighted immaturity over a four-month period of harvest. Their analytical skills gave us the tangible evidence we’d been looking for, for 10
years, to help us decide the evidence-based minimum standards needed for growers to harvest their fruit at the optimum maturity. We want our grapes to provide a consistently good eating experience, throughout the whole season.

The increased consumer demand already achieved by this project supports previous research showing that consumers will buy more fruit when they are confident it will taste good.

From an export point of view, importers will always pay a high price for good quality mature fruit. Table grapes are now the largest exporter by value of all fresh fruit out of Australia. Over the past 12 months our export sales have gone from $555 million to almost $650 million.

Jeff Scott
Chief Executive Officer
Australian Table Grape Association Inc.